CAMP EDWARDS MASS. AUG 12 3 PM 1941 Miss Florence Cauchon 21 Haskell St. No. Cambridge Mass. |
Dear Florence,
Many thanks for your letter which I received last friday. I'm terribly sorry I couldn't see you over the week-end but maybe I will be able to see you on one of my furlough days. That's in september about the third week. I'm glad you explained your feelings, but regardless, I still love you and hope we can see each other as very close friends as we have been right along. Of course I'll be gone for quite a while, three months the least and possibly a lot more I'll be writing you as usual. It's always very soothing to receive news from one so dear and understanding as you. So keep writing as usual and it will make me feel as happy as humanly possible in this outfit.
I went to see my sister Florence in Wane sunday and was tickled to see her again. We stayed only half an hour because that's as long as I was allowed in order to catch my train back to camp. Dolly came (bo) with us and Rose and Joe. When I got home saturday the kids surprised me greatly by letting me find out by myself that dad had bought a new GE radio with automatic phone. It's a grand piece of furniture, beautiful to see and beautiful to hear. It made me jealous. My records are grand when played on it.
You must hear it when I see you again. The army is, as you say working us rather hard these days. Last week from thursday A.M. at four till I went home saturday, I only got about five hours sleep. I was certainly over tired. Those maneuvres sure kill us. Having gotten a nice rest saturday night, I'm right in the spirit of things again. Today being a nice warm day we went for a nice ten mile march with helmets and pack on our back. My feet are too tired so tonight the bed is the place for me. We're due for a long march once a week from now on. Did you have a nice time at Mary Livingstone camp? Have you seen Rose De Petro lately? I was greatly surprised to hear that you saw "Sa Huchinson" in the fair city. And didn't she even ask about me? I must be completely forgotten now. If I'm around when she's in town let me know and I'll go see her do her stuff. How's Juliette and Adolphe getting along are they OK again. Have you heard anything about his concert in Maine. Wether or not it was successful. I still haven't seen or heard from him since I've been drafted. This thing changes one's life and friends considerably. My folks have certainly shown me how close we are together. That's all that keeps my spirits half on the right road. Well my dear I'll be saying au-revoir for tonight. I'll be waiting for an answer now