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CAMP EDWARDS MASS. MAY 7 9 AM 1941 Miss Florence Cauchon 21 Haskell St. No. Camridge Mass. |
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Pvt. Chas C Dupuis Battery E 102 F.A Camp Edwards Mass. 9 heure For Laurette à Delaney |||||| 100-104-124-214 |
May 6, 1941
Miss Florence Cauchon
Hello darling,
How are you my sweet, fine I hope? I am ok. I intended writing you last night, but I had to move all my belongings from one barracks to another and get straightened out again and then I had to go on guard duty so I had no chance to write at all. I'm rushing this one thru because we expect to be called any minute to pack up to go out on maneuvres for two or three days. We must be all packed and ready to move out in one half hour. We sleep in small tents we put up and on the ground (or grass if we can find some) If it isn't too cold out it will be fun; but on the other hand, if it's warm, it will be just like a week-end camping trip. We go out around Provincetown or along the Canal. We may start about midnight or three or four in the morning I'm hoping we get a few hours notice
I hope I don't get sick in the meantime. Of the 7 who were injected in the arm, two have been in the hospital since saturday. I have no ill effects yet only the soreness above the muscles. Maybe I can take it and the others cannot. I'd better not bragg any too much. My wrist is still very sore, I expect it will stay that way for some time. I'm in the same barracks as Edward again. He sleeps downstairs right under me. That makes things very pleasant. Our train which was due to leave at 10:05 PM Sunday didn't pull out until 10:45. You see we had plenty of time and didn't have to rush like we did. I could have remained with you some more and been plenty happy to do o. Seeing you made my week-end so perfect. Did you get home safely! I guess you must have because my dad is usually quite careful with my dear ones. I should say one. That's you dear. By tonights paper, another soldier has died accidentally by gun fire.
This is becoming swell here. Looks as if we can never tell wether or not we'll see home alive again. So far we have very little to do with live ammunition. All we handle now is 75MM shells. But being in the special detail (The smart French) I don't go near or touch the explosives. Only once did we have to go searching for shells which hadn't exploded. I probably told you about it. At first I didn't feel very safe, but after a while I was quite confident I wouldn't walk on them. We got plenty of warning before we started. Once kid almost died, he was so scared. All he kept saying was Charlie! watch out where you walk! Of course - you know me - fearless! Maybe! We've had no more of that since. Have you seen Pepé le Motto yet? If you did, how was it, tell me all about it. Wish I was with you when you saw it. Gee today has been beautiful, real spring weather. We were out in the woods all day and was it grand! Got spring fever and kind of
love sick thinking of you know who. I always have so much to tell you when I see you, but when you're near me, all seems to vanish except you. Are you going horse back riding this week? Don't forget the snap you promised me. Guess I'll have to take one of you myself. Then I'll be sure I'll get it. Is Mae coming down to see you this week? When is Adolphe's show? Did you say it was pretty soon. Why don't you go see it. Look see if things have progressed any? If I was at home I would take you, but that's beyond wishing right now! Maybe things may change and we can come out Friday nights soon. Wish it would take effect at once. I'm looking forward to seeing you a week from saturday or sunday, whichever pleases you most. Even both would be perfect for me. Let me know on your reply. Awaiting a reply I remain as ever
Lovingly yours

I believe the writing on the back of the envelope was Florence making note of something.