
29 May 2013

Camp Edwards Mass. Apr 1 9 AM 1941

9 AM
Miss Florence Cauchon
21 Haskell St.
No. Cambridge

Pvt. Chas Dupuis
Btry E 102 F.A.
Camp Edwards
April 1, 1941
Miss Florence Cauchon

Hello my sweet;
     Words cannot justly express how happy I was when I received your lovely letter. Of all those I have received thus far, yours delighted me most of all. It felt so good hearing from sweet you. I still only wish you cared for me as much as I do you. If you only did how quickly I'd pop the question, but I guess it's just made not to be. That's why I remain as I am. Maybe someday? I hope. I still love you anyway. Let me thank you whole heartedly for all the excellent news. Please do write again and write long letter as you did. It filled up my empty feeling ~ oh so much. All you wrote was news to me about Nershman and Livingston good luck to thine both and may they climb the ladder of success. Are you studying anymore?
     My brother Edward sleeps on the same floor as I non in the barrack. I am so happy. I think he's only here for a week though. But if he moves he will be only in the rear of this place so it z still ol. We've been out all day today on the gun range, practicing on the field artillery guns. It was such an excellent day and the ground being dry made things very interesting for a change. At times now things don't seem to be so very bad. I went home saturday and during my stay enjoyed
a most excellent performance of Pagliacci and Cavalleria Rusticana at the Met. I had a seat in the third row in the orchestra. An excellent place, and boy! what furs and fancies around me. I wasn't ashamed because I was there in my uniform. Honestly the whole thing was exquisite. It seemed only like a dream. That alone cheered me up tremendously. Then on sunday I stayed at home. The family (married ones) came over and spent the day with me. If you'd like, some sunday I would love to have you over, see my new addition and partake in my hospitality, which is always so open for you dear. If you'd like it let me know and I will arrange on my next leave. I still have plenty of nice music on hand.
     Today was pay day here. For three weeks work I received $15.30. Some salary in comparison to my $38 weekly at the arsenal. It breaks my heart I have to make it last for a whole month. I think my spending will be rather skimpy. I have you to think about so, I'll be satisfied to stay in most of the time. As long as you write to me. Did you go to the opera this year? It's swell as the theatre. Well dear, I must close now, its 9:25, the lights go out in a few minutes. Write me.
Lovingly yours,
Regards to Rose
and all who know me, whom you may run across,

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