CAMP EDWARDS MAR 19 11 AM 1941 MASS. Miss Florence Cauchon 26 Haskell St. Cambridge Mass |
Pvt. Chas. C Dupuis Btry E 102nd F.A. Camp Edwards Falmouth, Mass |
March 18, 1941
Miss Florence Cauchon
My dear Florence, but I'd rather be at home. Maybe after a
I don't suppose it's any surprise for month or two things may change and
you to receive a note from your soldier I may like it, providing war doesn't
friend. I was home sunday for the break out here. My next leave is a
first time and saw Dolly who told me week from saturday. We leave here at
had spoken to you over the phone. Well 1 PM and arrive in town at 3. I get home
it wasn't my choice to come here, far about 3 45. Once home, I hate leaving
from it. After working like I did around the house. Although this coming leave,
my two rooms got called into the army. I the opera will be in town and I'm going
had finished my new music room but to try to make a show regardless of
two weeks when I got my notice. I was the price. It may be the last opera I
going to see you to bid you farewell, will ever see. Quand on pense! I heard
but I felt too bad about it all. I had Arthur Vaillancount expected to be drafted
plenty of crying spells before I left. But momentarily. Have you heard any news
now I feel somewhat better. Last week, condi- from them recently. I saw Adolphe
tions here were terrible. We waded in about two weeks ago. And how are you
slush and muck up to our ankles, but on my dear I was disappointed not seeing
friday the sun came out very warm and you at Mabels wedding. I really looked
dried things up considerably. I still forward to seeing you again. You are not
don't like it here. Being a home loving married yet are you? I'm not and
child, camp or army life as you may call won't be ever I guess now--My
it is an awful change. My music is life is no more my own. We are
no more. For me now life seems so disciplined plenty. Just now had to
empty. At times I feel terribly lonesome. stop writing and run outside for a
There is a nice group of men here fire drill, in the rigid cold and in my
shirt sleeves. Well darling please write
me if you can find time. Letters arewonderful company. Don't forget me
as usual. Lovingly,
Pvt. Charles C Dupuis
Btry E. 102 F.A. 26 Div
Camp Edwards
Falmouth Mass
Transcriber's Notes:
Everything has been typed out as it has been written down. This has been formatted to best represent how the letter has been written.
"Quand on pense!" is a French phrase which translates to "When you think!" Thought you might find this interesting.
ReplyDeleteI did and do indeed. Thank you very much for sharing. :)