
30 May 2013

Camp Edwards Mass. Apr 23 9 AM 1941

APR 23
9 AM

Miss Florence Cauchon
26 Haskell St.
No. Cambridge

Pvt. Chas C. Dupuis
Btry E 102 F.A.
Camp Edwards.
Tuesday Eve
Camp Edwards
Miss Florence Cauchon
No Cambridge

Hello darling;
     Didn't know wether or not you wanted me to write first. In any case I am. How are you dear since I saw you saturday. I enjoyed being with you my dear beautifully. I had an elegant time wishing you the same. Maybe if you don't go to Hampton sunday I'll see you, or saturday night. In either case I can come after you with my dad's car and bring you home. But should you go, I'm counting on you the following week-end. Don't forget! If you usually go riding on horse-back sunday I want to see you saturday. Keep me in mind sweet. I've been thinking of you constantly since. Of course I always did anyway, but now more than usual. I'm still waiting for the photo. I didn't think of asking for it saturday, but do send me one please. One that does you justice. Sunday I went to Ware with dad and Edward and Ethel and their friends. My sister Florence was tickled to see me and so was I to see her. We stayed there for a few hours then started for Lynn again. I missed my first train back so had to take the next one. I got in camp at 10:45PM. still early enough to get a good nights sleep. Today we had a gas test. We've been practicing pulling on face masks etc, but today we had a real test. We put on
the mask then went through the gas chamber. Then afterwards we took off the masked and went through bare faced. When we came out we were crying and boy did my eyes nose and neck burn. Quite an experience it was. Fun while it lasted. As long as it's only practice oh but when the real thing comes along excuse me! Today I started studying the instruments we are to work with in the near future. It's very interesting, something new again. The instructor said I was very intelligent, I was catching on very rapidly. -ahem. Feather in my hat maybe! We also studied maps on to locate etc., but I guess that kind of talk must be boresome to you dear. N'est-ce pas. How's all the girls at the office. Remember me & them; and my best regards to all. Darling in a few weeks we'll go see Fantasia. I'll let you know a week ahead so you won't stand me up. You wouldn't do that to me would you dear? I've already been here nearly two months now. Only 10 more. Oh for that day to hurry when I can get out and stay out. I hope we stay clear of that darned war. I saw by the Lynn papers, Tobacco Road is showing there for four days in May. Its the same company that is now in town. Did you see it. I went last year and wow! Well honey I must now say au-revoir hoping to hear from you and see you real soon
Excuse my writing please
Loads of Love

Transcriber's note:
"N'est-ce pas" roughly translates from French to "Is it not" and "au-revoir" is "goodbye".

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